Morality Essay

Morality Essay

Cruise T.

Ms. Snyder 

Morality essay 



What topics in todays news involves morality? There are many topics that involve issues with morality. Violence is a very important morality issue though, because there are many news articles and stories on senseless violence. 

When it comes to violence in our society and morals; It seems like almost everyone thinks that violence is bad. Based on all the news articles I found it shows that most people are devastated whenever some sort of violence happens. That must mean that in almost all cases that violence is looked upon as this terrible and awful devastation. This means that we have a sense of morality in this world because we know that this topic is wrong, but there are still some societal problems that occur.

What about the counter point? Well, there is no specific counter point in this situation, but something does show the moral degradation. You may ask why we still have violence happening in our world. That it where one point can be made. That some people don’t know the boundaries of violence and when it should and shouldn’t be used. That when people start thinking that violence can be an answer to simple problems; that is where things start to go south. Another factor that could come into play is what if someone has a mental illness and can’t control their actions? That question can be approached differently from the rest. Even in court cases they have an option to plea for insanity. This shows that some people can’t actually control what they do, and that isn’t their fault. This is very unlikely that someone would do this though although some can be dishonest and try to avoid a prison sentence. That is also very unlikely, but there have been cases of this. No one necessarily thinks that violence is ok, but it’s just that some people don’t know any boundaries. There is an article that proves this point exactly and it states “The literary dispute soon grew into a banal conflict, on the basis of which the 53-year-old admirer of poetry 

killed his opponent with the help of a knife.”(Maria Tadeo,1) This show that one man didn’t know his boundaries because he just murdered someone over a friendly argument. That was a small example of moral degradation in today’s society.

Continuing with moral degradation there are many more examples to be displayed. This next article is about some statistics on how many murders and violent crimes, and her is a short straight from the article “Another crime-plagued city is Baltimore, Maryland, which saw murders go up in 2017, as well as an increase in violent crime.” (Barr Luke ,2) This just proves that there is beginning to be more and more murders and violent crimes each year. That shows that we keep degrading morally as a society and a nation. 

There is hope for all of the violence in this world. Violence cant be completely irradiated, but it can be decreased by significant amounts. As a society we should all set our boundaries morally for ourselves and ask “Is this right or wrong?” Or “Should I be doing this?” That will greatly decrease the amount of moral degradation that is happening, because those small questions can go a long way. This can even be taken from a christian worldview. That we as christians can ask ourselves what would Jesus do in some times where we don’t know what the right answer is. As christians we know that violence isn’t ok. We also know that if we didn’t have the fall there would be no sin, death, or power of the devil. There really is nothing we can do about this topic because it is so wide spread that all we can do is pray and be ambassadors of Christ’s love, mercy, and grace.

In conclusion violence is never the answer. There is times where it should never be used and there are times where we have to apply force or violence, but it is never for a senseless reason. Again the question comes up “Is there hope?” Yes hope is definitely evident, because everyone can evaluate the situation that they are in and ask themselves a few short questions to check their boundaries and their morals.

Works Cited

    1. Maria Tadeo @mariatad. “Russian Teacher ‘Kills Friend in Heated Poetry versus Prose 

Argument’.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 30 Jan. 2014,

2. Barr, Luke. “Violent Crime, Murder down Slightly in 2017, FBI Says.” ABC News, ABC News 

Network, 27 Sept. 2018,

3. Cava, Marco della. “Jacksonville Shooter Legally Armed Himself in State with One of USA’s 

Toughest Gun Laws.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 29 Aug. 2018,

4.“Texas Mom Calls Police For Help To Break Up Argument Between Sons, Now She’s Filing An 

Excessive Force Lawsuit.” Essence,

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